human and graphics

Human and Graphics | Edition No.001 | Surreal

Human: Jae Lee / Designer / Based: London, Seoul

Graphics Title: Surreal

Edition No.: 001


  We live in a world where surreal things become real. This is our human nature. We live in a world where we look for hope, joy happiness, etc. There are lots of ways to obtain these whatever the reason is. People will obtain these by their work, caring, helping, and creation.

  First of all, we can’t achieve this goal just by ourselves, we all need support and help from our family members, friends, and people around us. Once we acknowledge this we get closer to the goal. Secondly, appreciation of others in our community and lives even on small things will make us feel more alive and enjoy being human beings. Appreciation is the key to making our lives more lively. Last but not least, we all know that reaching the goal is not going to be easy, sometimes it feels like it’s unrealistic to achieve or obtain. However what makes human beings more beautiful is that we still go for it, we try and do our best as much as we can, overcoming the boundaries we have set ourselves or by society because we know we can do it and make things better than now. It’s the belief in us.

  The beauty of our life is when the surreal becomes real. In the graphic work, I expressed things in an abstract way with soft shapes and vibrant colours. It all has different shapes and colours as we humans do, but we make our life and society work harmoniously somehow. There is no certain answer to how to make things harmonious but we face it and put the pieces together piece by piece to make it completed like a puzzle.


Humand and Graphics

Human and Graphics

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